Celestin Apprentice 5
Source Code
GW AdaEd 1.4.2
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Text File
260 lines
-- Maze Package
-- written by
-- Edmond Schonberg
-- Ada Project
-- Courant Institute
-- New York University
-- 251 Mercer Street
-- New York, New York 10012
package maze is
-- basic data structures.
type position is record
row, col: integer ;
end record ;
type direction is (up, right, down, left) ;
goal: position ;
-- The array dist is a shared data structure, accessed by all exploring
-- tasks. A given position p in the maze has been visited by some task if
-- dist(p.pos, p.col) < max_dist.
dist: array(1..24, 1..80) of integer ;
max_dist: integer:= 1000 ;
-- procedures to navigate the maze.
function open(p: position) return boolean ;
procedure mark(p: position; d: direction) ;
procedure new_maze(start, goal: position; num_lines: integer) ;
function next_pos(p: position; d: direction) return position;
function right_of(d: direction) return direction ;
function left_of (d: direction) return direction ;
function back_of (d: direction) return direction ;
end maze ;
with maze; use maze;
package first_task is
type ex ;
type explore is access ex ;
task type ex is
entry start(p: position; d: direction; me, parent: explore) ;
entry report(success: boolean; where: position) ;
end ex ;
end first_task ;
with screen_io; use screen_io;
with system;
package body maze is
function next_pos(p: position; d:direction) return position is
new_p: position := p;
case d is
when up => new_p.row := p.row - 1;
when right => new_p.col := p.col + 1;
when down => new_p.row := p.row + 1;
when left => new_p.col := p.col - 1;
end case;
if new_p.row > 23 or new_p.row < 1 or
new_p.col > 80 or new_p.col < 1 then
return p ;
return new_p ;
end if ;
end next_pos ;
function right_of(d: direction) return direction is
return direction'val((direction'pos(d) + 1) mod 4 ) ;
end ;
function left_of (d: direction) return direction is
return direction'val((direction'pos(d) + 3) mod 4 ) ;
end ;
function back_of (d: direction) return direction is
return direction'val((direction'pos(d) + 2) mod 4 ) ;
end ;
function open(p: position) return boolean is
-- Determine whether a given location has already been explored.
return dist(p.row, p.col) = max_dist ;
end open;
procedure mark(p: position; d: direction) is
-- Indicate on the screen the current position of an exploring task.
c: character ;
--when SYSTEM.PC_DOS =>
--if d = up then c := ASCII.CAN;
--elsif d = down then c := ASCII.EM;
--elsif d = left then c := ASCII.DC1;
--elsif d = right then c := ASCII.DLE;
--end if ;
--when others =>
if d = up or d = down then c := '|' ;
else c := '-' ;
end if ;
--end case;
putc(c, p.row, p.col);
end mark;
procedure new_maze(start, goal: position; num_lines: integer) is separate ;
-- initialize dist to indicate that all is terra incognita.
for i in dist'range(1) loop
for j in dist'range(2) loop
dist(i, j) := 0 ;
end loop;
end loop;
end maze ;
with system;
with screen_io; use screen_io;
package body first_task is
subtype same_ex is ex ;
task census is
-- keeps track of the number of active exploring tasks.
entry update(del: integer) ;
end census ;
task body census is
population: integer := 1 ;
accept update(del: integer) do
population := population + del ;
putsn("active tasks: " , population, 1,1) ;
end update ;
terminate ;
end select ;
end loop ;
end census ;
task body ex is
-- A new exploring task is created whenever an active exploring task
-- finds an unexplored cell to the right or left of its current pos.
-- Each such task has a pointer to itself and to its parent. When it
-- reaches a dead end, it waits for a report from each son, and then
-- reports in turn to its parent. The first task to read the goal re-
-- ports success to its parent, and the successful path is retraced.
pos, new_pos, start_pos: position ;
dir: direction ;
found: boolean := false;
self, pop: explore ;
progeny: integer := 0 ;
procedure try_turn(new_dir: direction) is
-- see if path exists to right or left of current position.
new_pos: position := next_pos(pos, new_dir) ;
son: explore;
if open(new_pos) then
-- This test and the corresponding spawn should be a critical
-- section. As it stands, the program is clearly erroneous,
-- as the shared variable -dist- is being accessed
-- without explicit synchronization.
-- The algorithm works in any case, and the benign rare
-- condition here is left to allow for greater parallelism,
-- at the possible expense of additional (short-lived
-- and superflouous) tasks.
son := new same_ex ;
progeny := progeny + 1 ;
census.update(1) ;
son.start(pos, new_dir, son, self) ;
end if ;
end try_turn;
procedure retrace(there, here: position) is
-- mark the path to success, in reverse.
bck: direction := back_of(dir);
pos: position := there;
ch: character;
ch := ASCII.EOT;
when others =>
ch := '+';
end case;
while pos /= here loop
putcb(ch, pos.row, pos.col) ;
pos := next_pos(pos, bck) ;
end loop ;
end retrace ;
-- upon creation, get identity from creator, and current location.
accept start(p: position; d: direction; me, parent: explore) do
start_pos := p ;
pos := next_pos(p, d) ;
dir := d ;
self := me ;
pop := parent ;
end start ;
putc('O', pos.row, pos.col) ; -- hatch.
putc('o', pos.row, pos.col) ;
mark(pos, dir) ;
dist(pos.row, pos.col) := 0 ; -- we've been here.
try_turn(right_of(dir)) ; -- look both ways.
try_turn(left_of(dir)) ;
new_pos := next_pos(pos, dir) ; -- and proceed.
exit when new_pos = goal or not open(new_pos) ;
pos := new_pos;
end loop ;
when storage_error | program_error =>
puts("unable to create new tasks. Try simpler maze.", 23,1);
end ;
if new_pos = goal then
putc(ascii.bel, goal.row, goal.col); -- bingo!
found := true ;
for i in 1..progeny loop -- anyone got there?
accept report(success: boolean; where: position) do
found := success ;
pos := where ;
end report ;
exit when found ;
end loop;
end if ;
if found then
retrace(pos, start_pos) ;
end if ;
if pop /= self then -- not true for first task.
if pop'callable then
pop.report(found, start_pos) ;
end if ;
elsif not found then
puts("no way from here to there ", 23, 1);
end if ;
census.update(-1) ; -- exit discretely.
end ex ;
end first_task;